Jethro Mobile Blog

How Our Referral Program Works

Written by Jethro Mobile | Feb 28, 2023 6:16:25 PM

Our New Program

We wanted to make it easy for you to get the best out of our plans, and your friends too! Here at Jethro, we brainstormed and made a new program for you all to enjoy where if you refer a friend, you get a month of service FREE on us! Not only that, but your friend will get 10 percent off their purchase in return. That means if you refer 12 friends, you can get an entire year of service for FREE!


How it Works

  1. Go to

  2. Scroll down to where the page says “refer your friend” in large purple letters

  3. Enter your Jethro phone number in the first slot

  4. Enter your friend’s, who you would like to refer, email in the second slot

  5. Click submit and your friend will then receive their one-time discount code for 10 percent off, sent to their email address


Now that your friend has received their discount code, they can shop our mobile plans here and get their service started. This coupon code will only work on our Jethro Shop websites. Once your friend has activated their service, you get to sit back and relax for 15 days and then you can choose a plan to get a free month of service!
We offer a variety of options that will cater to each individual’s needs. You get to choose one from our catered plans:
  • 30 Day Simple Plan with unlimited talk and text (no data) - a $15 CAD value

  • 30 Day Simple Plus Plan with unlimited talk and text (500MB of data) - a $20 CAD value

  • 30 Day Smartphone Plan with unlimited talk, text, and data (first 3GB of data at high-speed) - a $30 CAD value

You will receive an email asking you to choose from these options once those 15 days come up. Once you choose your free plan, it will be added to account once your current plan expires. Easy, right?


Who is Eligible?

In order for you to get your free month of service, there are a few things you need to qualify.

  • In order to qualify for a free month of service, your friend must activate the service within 30 days of receiving their discount code. Remember to remind your friend to activate so both of you can enjoy the benefits.

  • If your friend does activate their plan but requests a refund prior to the 15 days of their service being activated, you will not receive your free month. In general, our plans are not eligible for refunds after 14 days of activating the plan or if it is over the usage limit for a refund (30 minutes of talk, 30 texts, and 30MB of data).

Once you meet all requirements you will get the free month added to your next billing cycle. Sounds awesome doesn’t it? Spread the good news and start referring away to get your free months!
Have any more questions?
Reach us here:
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